‘The President’


    ‘The Professor’

  • KRIS

    ‘El Capitan’

  • SAGE

    ‘The Rock’

Our Story

As a Fleet Manager of 20 years, the search for the perfect shop was never ending. And with the continued inflation of maintenance and operations costs, a decision had to be made. Pay the price or roll the dice.

If only there was a shop with the knowledge and expertise of a dealership, with the comfort and affordability of a corner stop garage. Someone who understood the value of preventative maintenance and the part that it plays in efficient operations.

Well, as the saying goes , if you want something done right you’ve got to do it yourself.

So, we did.

In 2016, The Shop began as a venture between friends , to continue working together and provide a much needed addition to the industry.

For the past 30 years , our careers have overseen all aspects of fleet operations and we have taken that combined knowledge and expertise in order to create a truly unique experience.

What do you do when your equipment breaks down?

Take it to The Shop